Three things every golfer can do to improve their game
Are you looking to get better out on the course? Improvement can be a slow process in golf, so it is important that you put in the time and find ways to grow as a player. Not everyone has easy access to a course and even fewer have the time to have lessons. But there are some things that anyone can do to up their game. Here are three things that every golfer can do to improve their performance.
1 – Strengthen your core
An aspect of the game that many golfers overlook is their fitness. Golf is, after all, a sport and the professionals keep themselves in good shape for tournaments. If you are lacking fitness it can mean that your game is inconsistent and it can even mean you will struggle to perform shots correctly. It is definitely worth putting in the time to strengthen your core with exercises. Taking yoga classes and pilates sessions can be a great way to do this.
Another option is the fantastic Orange Whip Swing Trainer, which has the dual benefit of strengthening the core while you improve your swing.
2 – Get some putting practice in
Putting is an aspect of your game that you can work on almost anywhere, so it is surprising that it is also sometimes an area where golfers clearly haven’t put in the time. There really is no excuse to lack precision with your putting. Even if you can’t get out to the course due to poor weather you can do it from your home. Putting mats are easily accessible and you simply need to put in the time to get the benefits.
Unless you are truly the perfect putter it is worth investing in practice aids and spending some time on your short game. There is nothing worse than doing all the hard work only to mess up a hole with poor putting performance.
3 – Work on your mental game
There’s no doubt that some golfers could benefit from working on the mental side of your game. For example, ask yourself: do you find yourself planning ahead before you even tee off? It can be a real mistake with golf to get too far ahead of yourself. If you are putting preparation into future shots you aren’t focussing on the task at hand.
Other golfers may find that they get dejected after a few bad shots and this tends to affect them throughout the rest of the course. It is important that you should treat each shot individually. Don’t worry about what has happened before or plan on future holes. Just play the shot.