New Practice Golf Nets for Guildford Golf Club
Tom May, General manager of Guildford Golf Club had seen several of Golf Swing Systems installations and was impressed with the quality of the nets and baffle nets.
Tom wanted something more in keeping with the look and feel of Guildford Golf Club and wanted a wooden frame construction and a ramped ball return floor.
This was created by digging down 200mm and leveling off the earth. A weed control barrier was put then down.
We then back filled with Type 1 MOT and vibrated this to compact it down so it was hard. Another weed control barrier was put down and then 20mm of sharp sand was put down, shaped and compacted with the vibrator.
The frame was constructed around while this was happening and concreted into the ground.
Last to go on was the artificial turf which was secured to a timber surround and then the nets secured to the frame.
Build time was around 5-6 days.